Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Criminal Justice Theories

CRIMINAL JUSTICE THEORIESAnalysis of sociable pop a broth opening and Labeling Theory[Name][University][Professor][Subject][Date]IntroductionA superior philosopher erst remarked that valet is by disposition good cruel , match to him is the result of ignorance or the pretermit of knowledge . When nuisance is committed it is because of the limitation and imperfection of his correspond knowledge . though it may be true that no man is virtuously corrupt by nature , Socrates description of the presence of discourtesy and evil in our society does non suffice to retort the question why state traumatize and commit evil . Why is it that even the highest ranking CEOs of multinational companies manage to deal money from their investors and stockholders ? It does non explain why even educated people become woeful offen ders and violators of the uprightness . This could only loaded that there is more to offensive than rightful(prenominal) the goodness or badness of the individualIt is because of this reason that Sociologists feature rancid to other causes or factors that may influence human way into committing crimes . This has resulted in some(prenominal) theories attempting to explain crime and deviance . These theories are affable go steady Theory and Labeling Theory which forget be discussed in this essaySocial Control TheorySocial Control Theory proceeds from the impudence that man is by nature tatterdemalion and is capable of committing crimes . instinct(predicate) drives human behavior to commit crime . Travis Hirschi , the proponent of Social Control Theory , asserts that despite man s inclinations to commit crime it can be controlled and his behavior can be correct so as to make man conform to real favorable rules or laws . He says that this could be done by streng thening man s social bonds with the people a! round him These social bonds include bond paper , commitment , involvement and printing .
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The stronger these social bonds are , the more committed a soul is to conventional activities and the greater his attachments to his parents and friends , the little likely it is that he volition engage in derelict behavior . Conversely , once this social bond is washed-out then it is likely that individuals will engaged in delinquent behavior (Reginald J . Alston , 1995 ,.3Thus , according to E .A . Ross the most effectual means for controlling and regularisation behavior is not the edict of laws and the threats of punishment notwithstandi ng the tenet and value systems that helps man chase with the rulesLabeling TheoryLabeling Theory did not bust much attention to crimes but to the labels that people attach to authoritative individuals or to certain acts . For prototype all people have at one eon violated rules . But not all persons are label as criminals . Only those people who are actually caught or whose deviant acts are expose to the public that are considered criminals . A person who is labeled as a criminal begins to compute of himself as a criminal and begins to associate with other deviants therefore reinforcing the stigma that society attaches to deviants . harmonise to the results of a study...If you want to get a full essay, club it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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